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My dear mother, Jessie Spicer Zerner (in photo) was a master pen and ink artist, who did wonderful drawings for children's books, coloring books and greeting cards. She was a prolific illustrator and made her living that way for many years. My first memory is sitting on the knee of her father, my grandfather, the painter Clayton Spicer, drawing leaves on one of his paintings of northeastern Pennsylvania, where I spent my early years. I am fortunate a love for art and drawing was passed down.

My mother had the greatest influence on me. Whenever I had a project to do for school, it was great to have her help on a poster, diagram, or drawing. Her talent opened up my creativity and playfulness. I am very grateful for this. Since I was little, I was encouraged to be in touch with my artistic, mystical side. Even now, each time I create a piece of art, I sing into it, or “enchant” it, to help further empower it’s healing gifts. This attention and respect makes both the art and the artist happy.

Long before magic markers hit art store shelves, artists drew with pen and ink. My mother used a nib pen dipped into a pot of India ink. She had a great drawing table with all of her papers and tools and I loved to learn her techniques from watching her work. She always let me help her on her jobs and we went on to collaborate on many books published around the world. She worked with Monte and me on the ENCHANTED TAROT book which was a true labor of love, first published in 1991.

In the 1970's we were commissioned to do a series of "Doodle Posters" by our dear friend Lori Solensten, who was an art director. I really honed my line drawing skills back then. You may remember doodle posters as a kid...They were big intricate drawings with lots of little creatures and psychedelic lands - funky and fun, and now doodle art is back!

I am carrying on the tradition of pen and ink and magical worlds with my two new Coloring Books for the Soul from HarperCollins' spiritual imprint, HarperElixir, THE ENCHANTED TAROT and ENCHANTED WORLDS Coloring Books for the Soul. I drew the artwork for these adult coloring books in black and white, just as my mother did in her children's coloring books, and doing so I discovered that those fantasy doodles were still in me and they all came channeling back through my hands in full force: Kings, Queens, Princesses, Princes, elves, castles, fairies, rainbows and mermaids!

I have created my page designs to be intricate and detailed but fun and relaxing to do. There are many patterns for lovers of meditative detail. The lines and embellishments in my books are created to encourage subtle adaptations and one's own inspirations.

These two books took me on quite an inner journey and the images are based on my personal healing visions and dreamscapes. Creating both coloring books helped me connect to my mother's art spirit in a wonderful way. Monte loved writing the messages that accompany the illustrations. A true family collaboration, as always, full of love.

I hope you will experience my ENCHANTED TAROT and ENCHANTED WORLDS Coloring Books for the Soul, they are available now wherever coloring books are sold. Grab your favorite markers and pencils, and let your imagination take you away. Sharing creativity is the most magical enchantment!

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