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Astro Weather Reports

Apr 13, 2024
It's important to be strong and have confidence that if you've gotten this far, you can go farther. We have to. We can't give up!

Nov 5, 2023
I could write a book about the astro weather now
Good things are happening, too, even though there is so much Authority-Caused- Sorrow in the world.

Oct 26, 2023
This eclipse is made much more powerful by the fact that even today, the planets Mars and Jupiter are opposite each other.

Jul 23, 2023
feel good about yourself like a lion
The Sun in Leo can bring out the leadership qualities of all concerned, though I would think it favors the actors, a totally Leo profession

Jul 18, 2023
Feeling Unsettled? Here's Why!
The New Moon in Cancer opposite Pluto in Capricorn inclines us to identify what is wrong with themselves on a fundamental lev

Apr 19, 2023
the love of power or the power of love
Don't rise to the bait if it's coming from outside yourself and don't talk BS.

Feb 2, 2023
get the lead out of your pants and take action
It is those who think outside the box who will triumph over those who are afraid to do anything that risks...well, anything.

Jan 10, 2023
declare your independence
Why not change your channel, stop living in the past, learn to love the new you, and see the past as your universe-shitty education.

Dec 4, 2022
how wonderful the world would be if only...
May Neptune going direct reveal the crest of the new wave you can ride to your greatest joy and highest good.

Nov 16, 2022
These are the times that try people’s souls
We're all on our own and we have to keep calm and carry on.

Nov 5, 2022
the basics of how “transits” work
Venus is all about attraction, how you attract and sometimes who you attract. Scorpio is powerful and mysterious.

Oct 20, 2022
the Solar Eclipse is coming
It's nothing we haven't been expecting and nothing we can't handle as long as we stay calm..

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