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A solar eclipse is a New Moon with benefits, one of said benefits being to call upon us to take a radically different approach to what has become our habitual Egoism regarding daily life, an approach that includes honesty regarding how our life is effecting us emotionally.

The recent solar eclipse occurred on the twentieth degree of the sign of Aries and also occupying that exact same degree at the exact time of the eclipse was the comet Chiron, known in astrology as "the wounded healer." I include Chiron in the astrology birth charts I do for clients because I have seen so many times and for so many years that the placement in a birth chart of that super distant (past Pluto!) ball of ice (that's what comets are, essentially) reveal the nature of childhood trauma that is not indicated elsewhere in the chart.

This indication of childhood trauma in a person's life is almost always true when Chiron conjuncts a planet, as it has done for this eclipse.

This is why I believe that the recent solar eclipse has revealed to each and every one of us an important way in which one or more of our childhood traumas has affected us even though we have done our best to shine brightly like the Sun as a way to forget or otherwise deal with said trauma.

So if difficult childhood memories or "feeling tones" that haven't intruded on your conscious mind for a long time are coming into view unbidden or as reactions to your buttons being pushed, I believe that the recent solar eclipse is at least the partial cause.

And please keep in mind that it is not just you or me or any of us that is experiencing this phenomena, if I'm correct. It is everybody. Everybody you know, meet, read about, learn about, everybody who's alive at this powerful time in world history.

This is why it's important to be strong and have confidence that if you've gotten this far, you can go farther. We have to. We can't give up and we can't surrender. Well, we can, but that doesn't sound like something we should do. Life is to be lived and so many have fought and died so that we have our blessed lives today that we owe it to them not to give up and not to surrender.

If you need guidance you can get unlimited free online tarot readings from our newly updated super cool website,, where you can also see more of Amy Zerner's incredible magical surrealism tapestries and paper collages, as well as her goddess couture, jewelry, and accessories, and our many spiritual power tool oracles, books, talking boards, affirmation decks, and a lot more.

Amy and I are having a great life together and love sharing with you what has helped us to do so. All you have to do is check out our creations and see what resonates with you. Enjoy!

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